I am always eager to sponsor postdoctoral researchers that share research interests with our lab group. There are various routes to a postdoc in my lab at LSU: (1) Postdoctoral positions be associated with specific projects will be periodically available and will be advertised here and elsewhere. I am also interested in collaborating with potential postdoc applicants to submit full NSF grants that include financial support for postdoctoral positions. (2) Postdoctoral Fellowships, such as the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology, or the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship provide opportunities to join our lab group. I would be happy to work with interested applicants to sponsor and craft their applications.
I usually hope to recruit 1–2 PhD students per year. I encourage students to pursue their own research interests and projects that fall within the conceptual framework of our lab, which you can learn more about on our research page. More information on my mentoring policy and lab guidelines can be found here. If you are interested in applying, I suggest you look through our web page and read some of the papers we have published. Then, please send an e-mail to PI Nick Mason with a brief description of your experience, research interests, and why you would like to join our group. Please also include a resume or CV, GPA, and any examples of scientific writing that you can offer.
Some advice on crafting an initial email to potential labs can be found here.
I am unlikely to take M.Sc. students in my first few years as a PI, but will be interested in mentoring M.Sc. students later on and will update this space accordingly.
I am always looking for undergraduate students with an interest in museum-based ornithology. Please send an e-mail to PI Nick Mason to inquire about opportunities.